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Home » 2020-03-03 Republican primary » GOP Precinct 018 » Precinct Chair » Jon Andy O'der

Jon Andy O'der
Party Republican
Born 1973
Education Some college
Occupation Inspeactor
Religion LDS
Marital Married
Children 1

Jon Andy O'der


     I have been aware of government issues all my life, but I started  to become more involved in politics during the early 2000's  It was the party platform that led me to becoming involved in the Republican party in 2008. Since then my wife and I have attended 16 out of the of the past 18 Republican conventions (precinct, senatorial district and state) 15 of which I was a delegate. I served on the resolutions committee for 5 of the past 6 senatorial district conventions and have given testimony to the platform committee at the state convention to promote them. I was involved in the Young Republicans and served on the board. I was also a state delegate to the YR connection two years in a row. The activist bug bit me hard and I have been involved in several groups and activities over the years. A few examples in the past have included include regular attendance of the Eagle forum and Montgomery county tea party meetings, legislative workshops and participation in legislative days at the state capitol.  Earlier this year I ran for city council of Magnolia and two of my campaign issues were straight out of the party platform (ending red light cameras and phasing out property tax to a consumption tax).


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Submitted by john wertz on 2020-01-07 14:28:15





Please describe what you believe are the most significant issues in this race, why and what you'll do to address them?

Adherence to the new by-laws passed in 2018. We have always been a divided party, and the new by-laws being enacted were the best tool for unity. I have been an active member of the Republican party since 2008 and a member of the CEC since 2014.  I have personally seen prejudice toward certain CEC members when power is centralized under our old by-laws. With the new steering committee and the precinct chairs having a say in who the officers and committee chairs are, the precinct chairs have become really engaged and no one is left out of the process. The term unity has been thrown around for years, but who was saying meant conformity.  We will (and should) have our differences in the primary season, but once the primary is over, it is time to unite behind the general election candidate.  Adherence to the new by-laws passed at the organizational  meeting in 2018. We have always been a divided party, and the new by-laws being enacted were the best tool for unity. I have been an active member of the Republican party since 2008 and a member of the CEC since 2014.  I have personally seen prejudice toward certain CEC members when power is centralized under our old by-laws. With the new steering committee and the precinct chairs having a say in who the officers and committee chairs are, the precinct chairs have become really engaged and no one is left out of the process. The term unity has been thrown around for years, but who was saying meant conformity.  We will (and should) have our differences in the primary season, but once the primary is over, it is time to unite behind the general election candidate.  

Do you promise, if elected, to abide by the RPT platform? And if not, please enumerate what problems you have. 

The RPT platform is what got me involved in the Republican party.  It is saddening to me that is too often ignored by our elected officials.  The first two questions I ask of any primary candidate is "When have they last read the platform?  What parts of it do you disagree with and why?" I support the platform and have served on the Resolutions committee each convention since 2008. I have debated resolutions on the floor of the SD conventions, testified in front of the platform committee as well as the sub-committees at state conventions.  Yes I do support the platform.

What differentiates you from your opponents?

I have not yet met my oppopnent.  I do know she had not attended the last precinct convention.

What best describes your political ideology most(circle only one).   
1.        Republican                     
2.        Grassroots                     
3.        Conservative
4.        Tea Party

I was Tea Party before the tea party existed.

Please list 3 federal agencies that are popular in our culture and should be abolished

Only three?  Where should I start?  The federal government is extremely limited in their powers under the constriction. Pretty much any federal agency that its powers are not referenced in the constitution need to be abolished.  Most of the regulations that are needed can be done at the local or state level.  Let me start with ATF, Department of engergy, and department of education.

Should Texas GOP limit their elected officials to 8 years or less from the same office, even though it will force some good candidates to leave an office?

While I agree political office should not be intended as a carrer, it needs be the voter's responsibility and duty to decide how long an elected official is to hold office. The challenge from those who are more politically involved is educating the public and the system as well as the officials who hold office

When you leave office what accomplishment/s do you want to be your hallmark, your legacy, and why?

Civility and willing to work with those in other groups. There has always been and always be division in the party. When I got involved in the party I was told by another activists, that “our group”  was called wing nuts. Because we are far right, and they think we are nuts.  They meant it as an insult, but it I wear it like a badge of honor. My wife and I run a Facebook page titled Texaswingnuts.  When I introduce myself to other activists in the party, I often describe myself as the most level-head whack job in the county. My wife and I have always been open about our stances on issues, and the candidates that we support, but we have always remained civil.


What form of federal tax law do you support (e.g., current, flat tax, fair tax, other) and why?

First, we need to reduce spending at all levels of government.  It sure is popular these days to use the term "taxation is theft"  but realistically the government does need some funding to operate. I support forms of consumption or usage tax.  That is the only "fair" tax.  In addition, any income derived for under the table black market or other illegal activities is not captured under our current system or would be under a flat tax.  Only a consumption or usage tax would capture this. 

A couple of years ago, a resolution was put forth by MoCo GOP to institute a 20% Homestead Exemption.  Did you support or oppose this and why?

I like resolutions.  I have written many myself and seen them passed at various conventions, CEC meetings and a city council meeting.  Even though passage of them does not necessarily change the policy, it definably pushes the narrative.  The resolution alone did not lower our taxes, but it was a tool to help get us there. I support an abolishment of property tax and using forms of consumption tax to replace. 

2nd Amendment - guns

Do you believe the Second Amendment grants an individual right or a militia right?

Government does not grant rights. Only our creator does.  ALL rights are individual rights.  Government either protects our rights, or infringes on them.

10th Amendment

Please explain your interpretation of the Tenth Amendment and the principle of nullification. Do states have a right of nullification? What should the federal government do if a state attempts nullification?

States do not have rights, they have duties and powers. The federal government is extremely limited in its size and scope per the constitution and have overstepped their authority for far too long. Most of the federal regulations, and the departments that enforce them are unconstitutional. Court decisions and legislation is often unconstitutional as well.  The states have not only the "authority to nullify"  but they have a duty and obligation to nullify any legislation that violates the federal government authority.

Other civil liberty

Do you support or oppose federal funding for Planned Parenthood and other agencies that perform abortions, both in the U.S. and abroad (even if they use money derived from other sources)?

Medically necessary abortions can be debatable under Medicaid, but elective abortions should not be paid for by the government at any level. Federal funding should not be spent on any agency, other than required by the constitution

At what point should the "right to life" or "personhood" be granted to new human beings (e.g., at conception, birth, 5 days old, etc)? What action, if any, will you take to reflect this in law?

Life begins at conception. Having adopted a son and being adopted myself I am completely against any form of elective abortion.  I will continue to ensure this remains in our party platform and contact my elected officials so they know my stance on this issue


Do you support or oppose allowing parents direct the flow of federal education funds (e.g., to their school or home school of choice)? Support? Oppose? Please explain.

Education is the responsibility of the parents not the government. I do not support federal funding for education, any funding for schools should come from local sources.  In addition, all curriculum should be decided at the local level.  I support school choice, but the current system has the potential of having strings attached to any funding the parents receive.  


Do you agree with precinct chairs involvement in republican primaries? Why or why not?

As precinct chairs, we not only support the brand of the Republican party, but also the direction of the party.  This includes choosing our state party chair, drafting our platform and rules, and ensuring that our general election candidate on the Republican ticket matches our values.  Precinct chairs are some of the most involved and have done thorough vetting of the candidates.  We check the voting records both while in office and which primaries they have participated in. We can tell the difference who has been a “life-long”  Republican, and those who use the party for expediency.

What's your impression of GOP Speaker Dennis Bonnen after he was caught offering a Quid Pro Quo to Empower Texans Michael Quinn Sullivan?  Should Speaker Bonnen resign?  Should he suffer legal ramifications for his action/s?

There is a picture that floats around with Dennis Bonnen screaming at Jonathan Stickland at his desk, with then State Rep Keough in the background.  That along with his handling of flyer bombing in his precinct, and his choices for committee chairs in order to kill legislative priorities in the house.  is all the impression I need of Dennis Bonnen.  Bonnen overstepped his power in his offers to MQS and should have immediately resigned. To my knowledge there was (or should have been)  an investigation to see if a crime was committed.  If so, yes, he deserves some form of legal lconsequesnces


Is there anything in your background of an embarrassing nature that should be explained before your election? Arrests/Convictions? Bankruptcys?

I made a few stupid decisions as a teenager. Didn't pay a traffic ticket and got to spend a night in the Harris county jail.  Took some illicit substances in my youth.  When I became an adult, I realized this was not the direction I wanted for my life and have been clean ever since.


What, if anything, should be done to protect our borders from illegal immigration?

Fences, borders and any other checkpoints are helpful, but our current immigration system is flawed and needs to be overhauled.  I have known many people who have immigrated here, and their success stories are amazing.  Unfortunately I have also known a few who had such diifultiy with the "front door"  They (along with millions of others)  Have resorted to skirting immigration law. There are three types of people who immigrate to this country.  1)  those who want economic freedom and personal liberty.  They want to escape tyranny from their government and want to make a better life for themselves and their family.  2)  People who come here to leech of the system.  3)  Those who come here to commit criminal activity. Addressing the flaws in current immigration policy will help reduce the people who fall into category 1.  Charity is not the function of the government, but while benefits are still available. They should only apply to citizens.  Regardless of your legal status, if you have come to this county you should be self-sufficient. That will help reduce the 2nd group.  When the penal system starts handling criminals (especially violent criminals) seriously and not letting them out on little to no bail,  it will reduce number 3. 

Amnesty comes in many forms.  What's your view as it pertains to Texas?

If someone has lived here an extended period and has been a productive resident, we should take that into consideration.  If the only laws, they have broken was related to immigration. Depending on circumstances, I do not have an issue with a "path to legal status"  But I do not support any form of "path to citizenship"  Citizens have the right to vote, and as I stated earlier should be the only ones to receive any form of government benefits 


Do you support or oppose the referendum passed by both the MoCo GOP Executive Committee and SREC to allow voters, at the statewide level, to decide in the voting booth whether or not they want a particular toll road?  Why or why not?

Yes. These resolutions mirror the state party platform.  Resolutions themselves do not change policy, but they are a useful tool that helps push the narrative

Did you take a public position on the May 9, 2015 Road Bond, and if so, what was it? And in a few sentences, explain why.

Bonds are a slippery slope.  Sometimes they are necessary for capital projects (roads, schools, etc..) but we need to be careful on the "needs" VS the "wants." Living inside the city limits, there were several needed projects that I did support, but I had and issue with tax dollars being used on the extension of Woodlands parkway more specifically the cost. The developers need to pay for these roads. I opposed the original bond but supported the 2nd version that removed the Woodlands parkway extension.


What does being a conservative mean to you?

There are two types of conservative.  Social and fiscal.  Social conservative to me means preservisng biblical family values such as traditional marriage, nuclear family and protecting the rights of the unborn.  Fiscal conservatism means living within your means, which the government doesn't seem to be able to figure out

Do you support the Montgomery County Republican Party By-Laws as adopted by the CEC on 6/26/18?  And if not, why not?

See the answer to my first question.  I was not one of the precinct chairs who authored the changes, but I was made aware of them (as were all the precinct chairs)  prior to the organizational CEC meeting in June.  While they were not perfect, offers for amendments were made that evening multiple times with zero input.  There have been some changes made, and additional ones may be needed in the future.