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Home » 2023-11-07 election » The Woodlands » Township Position 7 » Cindy Heiser

Cindy Heiser
Party R
Born 03/18/1966
Education BS Communications
Occupation Business Owner
Religion Christian Non Denominational
Marital Married
Children 2

Cindy Heiser




What is the job of the position you are running for?


A.I love the Woodlands and am grateful that I was able to raise my family here. However, good government will be necessary to plan for our future as we hit our 50-year mark. I am answering the call to help with that planning because I have a “forward-thinking vision”.

B. Our community sits in the middle of one of the fastest-growing areas in the country. With that comes issues such as public safety, traffic congestion, flood mitigation, and a strain on resources. Community relationships and cooperation with surrounding entities will be the key to resolving current issues and planning to circumvent future problems. I have those relationships developed through my years of involvement in the community and I maintain a collaborative leadership style that has helped me to bring the best practices and solutions to the table.

C. Our residents are who we are here to serve. I’ve been very involved in the community since 1999 and have gained the trust and friendship of many who have served alongside me in different capacities. I believe we can always improve and can do a better job of communicating with and serving our constituents and I have ideas on how to do that.

D. I see no potential conflicts of interest. 

What are the three main attributes that make you the most qualified for this position?

A: My corporate business experience along with owning small businesses in The Woodlands has taught me how to manage by fact, plan and stick to a budget, and listen to the needs of those that I serve.

B: My leadership style is reasonable, positive, and fair and every decision is prayed over before it is made.

C: I can see a situation from many different angles and I’m not afraid to push back on conventional thinking to find a better way. 

What three major changes would you like to see implemented by the Township?

A: I believe that the new Board has been doing a great job and represents The Woodlands well! They have listened to residents and made hard decisions based on the will of the people. Listening to our residents is very important and I think we can continue to improve upon our communication with them. Specifically, I see opportunities to: 

1) Find more creative sources of beneficial tax revenue opportunities as we have with HB5311

2) Implement more preventative measures with the Montgomery County Sheriff's guidance/involvement to deter crime

3) Help build the vision of what The Woodlands looks like in the coming 50 years and what is needed to sustain our wonderful hometown. 

Do you think The Woodlands should become a city or remain unincorporated? Why or why not (what are some of the pro's and cons)?  And if so, when should incorporation occur and why in that time frame? 

A: Our community voted against incorporation overwhelmingly by 67% and I stand with the residents.  

With new legislation (HB347) prohibiting annexation of smaller communities by larger/adjacent cities unless approved by voters, is The Woodlands still obligated to pay-off Houston ($1 million) and Conroe ($500,000) for that purpose?

A: The Woodlands is protected by state law from annexation without our consent, but the original contracts, The Regional Participation Agreements, remain in place and should be honored as required by law. However, HB347 passing into law does change the foundational basis for the RPA and it is worth investigating the basis and benefits for all parties to consider amending the agreements in light of current state law and the results of the Township Election in 2022. 

It's been reported that The Woodlands comprises only 20% of households in the county, yet provides almost double that (35%) of the county total in property taxes. What would/could you do to correct this gross imbalance of tax inequity?

Although I have not seen data supporting that claim, it is easy to believe. However, the Township Board has no direct authority to challenge either the Montgomery County Tax Assessor or Montgomery County Appraisal Board to change either the tax rate or the assessed value that drives our property taxes. We can though build better relationships within Montgomery County to advocate that more tax dollars are returned to The Woodlands for projects we support.

Did you support the recent construction initiative of a $300,000 bathroom in Capstone Park. Why or why not?

As a former resident of Capstone who still celebrates Christmas Eve with my former Capstone neighbors 20 years later, I can tell you that I was fully invested in this situation and the will of the residents and I am in support of where the Board ended on this issue. I am very proud that our leaders listened to their constituents. My leadership style is one that carefully gathers information by speaking directly with residents, makes proposals to the community, reviews the feedback, and then moves forward according to how the majority of the community desires. 

Are any of your family members employed by or working under contract to either The Woodlands Township or Montgomery County?



The township budget funds all reserves 100% yearly. What is the current surplus and should any of it be returned to the residents or retained in a rainy day fund and if so, how much and why? Any other options for the surplus?

I believe that transparency and open discussion about the financial condition of the Township is critical for our community to trust their leaders. Furthermore, evaluating options and tradeoffs for deficits or surpluses is a core responsibility of the Township Board. The 2023 Board stands for small government and low taxes. They recently voted to extend a homestead exemption to all residential property owners and that was a great step toward returning money to the residents. The Board also successfully lobbied to gain access to Hotel Food and Beverage Tax Revenues previously unavailable to the Township which will reduce our tax burden over time. I would look at doing more in this capacity.

Should the township be funding non-profit organization events such as Interfaith luncheons, senior pick-up services, Education for tomorrow luncheons, etc...with tax dollars.

I believe the Township Staff and Board Members have supported a variety of charitable organizations in The Woodlands with support from residents and careful consideration of recipient organizations. If the citizens of The Woodlands support this type of community involvement we should continue it, but I have not heard of issues or concerns and would want to learn more if there are issues. 

Should the economic development reserve fund serve as a general fund, to go to multiple projects such as ice-rinks, museums, buildings, street repairs etc. or should it be a project specific only account?

My answer to Q8 applies here as well; the Township Board must study options related to Economic Development particularly to generate additional sources of tax revenue to reduce the burden on residents. As the Township Board, with input from Woodlands Residents, makes decisions on particular projects, the investment, and outcomes will be tracked to ensure we are getting the expected benefits. 


With The Woodlands reaching full residential build-out, what do you think the Township should do to generate additional non-property tax revenues to maintain services without a property tax increase?

The 2023 Township Board has already implemented great additions to ease property tax burdens (HB53112, Homestead Exemption). Past investments in the Economic Development Fund and Visit the Woodlands have increased the tax revenues from tourism while also bringing great events enjoyed by our whole community. I am excited to contribute to that sort of leadership as a Board Member so we bring only events that make commercial sense and are consistent with our community standards. 


Woodlands founder George Mitchell was arguably the godfather of "sustainable" communities and funded international meetings here to that end. What does that mean to you?

A sustainable community means we have a community that can support a family’s desire to live, work, play, learn, and pray all in the same area. 


Is there anything in your background of an embarrassing nature that should be explained before your election? Arrests/Convictions? Bankruptcies?


What are your thoughts about the community using the board to promote certain social justice agendas? Should the board maintain neutrality since they represent broad views of all residents?

My understanding is that Township Board Members are prohibited from endorsing any social justice agenda on behalf of The Woodlands. If the “certain social justice agenda” affected makers of business with Woodlands Township, in my capacity as a Board Member I would want to know more about the agenda and intentions as I would any issue brought before us for consideration. 

In this role, you'll be representing both residents & organizations. In the event of a conflict with the Woodlands Development Company and/or the Economic Development Partnership, how would handling this situation?

My dedication will be to the residents who elect me. The Woodlands Township (and its predecessor) plays a critical role in counter-balancing the wants/needs of any Developer. 


Commissioner Riley is actively planning the extension of the Mansion's Way parkway. What should the Township do to prevent a flood of cut though traffic on Woodlands Parkway?

To prevent undesirable projects, we must continuously build the township’s relationships with the county, HGAC, and TxDOT. That way we can have the opportunity to clearly explain our objections and find constructive solutions. I strongly believe the Township Board should work with county officials to ensure the best possible outcome for its residents regarding infrastructure or any other area of governance. 


What are the 3 most pressing mobility issues in The Woodlands and what is your preferred solution to each?

The Township can work in partnership with our county and neighboring officials to come up with solutions that best serve all parties.

1) Improve the working relationships with governmental agencies that plan/manage/fund mobility projects,

2) Engaging TxDot to better understand and influence the planned changes to I45 feeders/exits from Hardy Tollroad into The Woodlands area,

3) Studying and quantifying the amount of “cut-through traffic” and investigating ways to mitigate/control this with local authorities. 


The Woodlands is basically built out, except for some land held by Howard Hughes Corp(HHC). Are you concerned they(HHC) may use that to build multi-family housing? And what are the pros and cons of that?

Our Woodlands Township is the result of a comprehensive master plan developed by George Mitchell that has succeeded by responding to the needs of our community’s families and businesses. We must continue to follow that plan. I believe that maintaining a close working relationship between the Board of Directors and HHC will ensure community needs, resident needs, and interests are taken into account for future developments. 

What do you perceive to be the biggest threat to our community within the next 5 years?

I see the biggest threat to the community as losing the commitment to the foundational concepts of The Woodlands creating places to live, work, play, pray, learn, and stay while maintaining a beautiful, safe, prosperous community. 

What is your opinion of the Woodlands (Gay) Pride's representation in the Woodlands Independence Day parade and with it, by rule being a patriotic family event, should they be allowed to participate?

This event triggered a lot of discussion in the community and I decided to investigate to see what the details were. What I learned is the parade is managed by the South County 4th of July Parade Committee, and the Township Board has traditionally contributed financially to support the event. The Township Board did have a representative on the Committee for the parade in prior years and I would defer specific questions about how the Parade Committee made decisions for those entries and prizes awarded to Director Sekula-Gibbs. I believe that the Pride Organization participated in those years.  However, all participants should be held to the same standard. 

What, in your view, are the positive and negative aspects of the Township's current governance structure as opposed to being a city?

The Township’s current model has led to The Woodlands being one of the most desirable places to live and work in the entire country. Our government is far smaller and more responsive than that of a traditional city, and our township system allows us to keep taxes low. I support our limited, responsive government structure and low taxes. 

What is your opinion of the property/land swap Commissioner Noack did with Howard Hughes concerning the Randalls in Grogans Mill Shopping Center with the MoCo So. County Library and Community Center?

I think it is a great public-private partnership and that there are many more things that can be accomplished using a similar model with other businesses in the community.

Which current Township board member do you identify with the most and why?

If I can only name one it would be Ann Snyder. She and I have worked together on community projects over the span of 20 years and I know her to be fair and honest and she loves our community. However, I can relate to and work with all of the board members. I have respect for each Director and the effort that they give to our community every day without compensation and I believe that they all have made positive contributions.