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Woodlands Incorporation - Proposition A - To Become a City - FOR

The Woodlands

Woodlands Incorporation - Proposition A - To Become a City - FOR


MCTP is FOR this proposition.

Authorizing the Type-A city incorporation of The Woodlands Township District and the adoption of an initial property tax rate of not more than $0.2231 per one hundred dollars ($100) valuation of taxable property


Major Issues

Reasoning For Incorporation -

  •   Local Control - closest government governs best - local residential governmental control(mayor/city          council) is always more effective than a more distant, diluted un-influential county government (commisioners court, 3 of 4 who don't live in The Woodlands) inherently influenced by developers and by their own self interests.
  •   Law Enforcement - 1st year, no change.  Years 2-5: Transition agreement to local control

  •   Traffic Control - locally controlled by city (except State Hwy 242)

  •   Road Planning, Maintenance & Speed Limits - Woodtrace(renamed from WPX) controls(no large trucks); 

              other than some dedicated left-turn lanes and flashing yellow lights, Pct. 3 commissioner really has done very

               little for The Woodlands;

  •   Ordinances - control over taxes, building codes, public safety, parking, noise & fireworks;

  •   Development of Land/planning & tree preservation - while HHC has reportedly 8 more multi-family

             developments in TW, we prefer Mitchells vision of no more high rises like Anadarko towers, only tree-top

             buildings max in town center, not residential neighborhoods;

  •   Drainage/Flooding - as a city, can establish and enforce drainage standards


  •   Elected town or city officials - by and large, unpaid, like now(exception would likely be City

             Manager, occupied now by TW President and other paid employees;

  •   Annexation by City of Houston or Conroe - permanently eliminated.


MISINFORMATION from the Anti-incorporation Side

The misinformation parroted/coming out of the Anti-incorpation side, based primarily on their own consultant using outdated information from 2019, has largely been debunked by the Township here and via the Chronicle here

It's tantamount that the Township budget information, compiled by Ms. Monique Sharp(Asst. Fin. Dir of the Township) team, is scrutinized by Credit Reporting agencies, bondholders and banks that the Township must deal with.  The Anti-incorporation side is not scrutinized by any agencies - only by the Township pointing out the inconsistencies of the developer/county driven misinformation campaign.

The in-depth videos from Township Board meetings regarding this can be found at:

Sept 16 {note: go to the 40 min mark where Todd Stephens discuss Cares/Act Arpa Funds and then to Monique Sharp(Township Asst. Dir. of Finance) at the 1 hour mark, where she corrects misinfo put out by the Anti-incorporation element}.

Sept 23rd updated rebuttals from the Township to more misinformation from the Anti-incorporation folks. (at the 37:55 min mark, Monique Sharp(Township Asst. Fin. Director) debunks claim of $5M "Bait and Switch" in the incorporation cost model).

Sept 30th BOD Meeting. (Note: At the 14:05 min mark, Ms. Sharp refutes criticism of LE report and pretaxation.


The Anti-Incorporation folks are the same ones who gave us:

  •       The Texas Conservative Tea Party Coalition (Fake Tea Party) - 2014
  •       Keep Montgomery County Moving PAC - 2015 -  formed by cronies to push through the 2015 Road 

                 Bond (Woodlands Parkway Extension - WPX, which The Woodlands residents help to defeat soundly;

  •       “Concerned Citizens PAC”(2016) that employed the 70% tax increase scare tactic; 
  •       Township ‘Back to the’ Future”(2019); and now
  •        Preserve The Woodlands PAC - same folks as above, different day and time - just rebranded.  See who'$ backing them and their $630,000 spent here(30 day report - before the election) and here(8 day report). Most of whom are the poltically/chamber connected.
  •        And now, throw in developer Howard Hughes Corporation.  Here are HHC's filings to the Texas Ethics   Commission (30 day report) and (8 day report) what they've spent ($122K) directly.  (Not visible is their $153K in expenditures/In-Kind donation claimed by Preserve the Woodlands PAC above).
  • Together, they've spent over $750,000 (just up to Oct. 23rd) to defeat incorporation!!
  • It's estimated that they will have spent upwards of $1,000,000 to defeat the grassroots residents during this election, while deceptively claiming they're for the little guy.  


Woodlands-Based GOP Precinct Chairs FOR Incorporation

  1. Allison Winter (59) - Powell Elementary

  2. Betty Anderson (31) - Grogan's Forest/Alden Woods

  3. Cathie Locetta(71) - Alden Bridge West

  4. Curt Locklear (81) -  Alden Bridge Central

  5. David Smith     (3) -  May Valley

  6. Donna McAleer(61) - Mitchell Library to Gosling

  7. Jack Munich   (70) -  Cochrans Crossing

  8. John Wertz     (69) -  Alden Bridge East

  9. Kathy Ross     (67) - N. Millbend/Maple Branch

  10. Keith Lincoln   (56) - Harpers Landing

  11. Kenneth Earnest(6)- TW Country Club Players Course

  12. Larry Rogers    (75) - Windsor Hills/Lakes

  13. Steve Lawrence (48) - Sally K. Ride Elementary

  14. Sue Carranza  (49) - David Elementary

  15. Tom Lancaster (79) - Glenn Loch Elementary


For more information, go to:

Various Township-related Incorporation Topics and Videos

Special Board Meeting - August 13th - Incorporation Financial Model

An Independent website called

Another Independent website called Residents for the Woodlands